Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Camping Experience(:

I have been camping many years of my life. We go to Murphey's Point in the summer. We always drive in with all of our items, including coolers to keep our food in. This camping trip we were all to hike to the campground, including bringing our food! I liked that we got alot of hiking in, during our overall camping experience! I loved going into the cave, though i was scared to go in at first. Though it was rainy, my rain gear kept me dry, and I had friends around to keep me company! The food was great, and also the hot chocolate to keep me warm. I was able to take many pictures, and be out in the fresh air. Though I was exhausted after the trip, it was an unforgetable experience, that I can look back on when I think back to high school in the future.

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