Thursday, October 6, 2011

Camping at Lac Phillipe in Gatineau Park

It was only on the bus ride home that I fully realised how many irreplacable moments one camping trip could create. The camping trip to Lac Phillipe was short but sweet; nonetheless it was most definitely the BEST camping trip I have ever been on. Sure I only slept a few hours over the course of the three day expedition, but it was what happened when I was awake that really mattered. From the moment I stepped off of that yellow school bus in the p19 parking lot, my shoulders were throbbing like never before; probably because my frame pack was double my weight. However after a few minutes, numbness replaced the pain. Over the course of the long, physically strenuous hike, there were many beautiful sights such as a galloping doe. Once we got to the beautiful campsite we threw our tent up and ran into the shelter for warmth. After sitting there for a while with a grumbly stomach, the meal was ready and the hot stir fry tasted phenomenal. Going to bed that night, I was worried about being cold, but when your tent-mates are essentially ontop of you there is no risk of that. The next morning I was awakened by a very pleasant army wake-up call, then did a little morning excercise. That morning was our turn to prepare breakfast and I believe that it is fair to say that we did a fine job. What could be better than chocolate chip pancakes and chicken bacon in the morning.Anyways, I feel like I am rambling on a little bit but the truth is everything about that weekend was perfectly wonderful. Personally, my favourite part of the trip was the caves. I had never experienced anything like that. Unfortunately on my first step I slipped into the water, but atleast that meant I wouldn't have to worry about staying dry. Going throught that narrow exit of the cave was truly exciting, and only a little bit cold! I also thouroughly enjoyed the steaming hot chocolate at most meals.
Everything about that trip was perfect and unforgettable. Thank you to everyone for making the trip that much more fun.

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