Thursday, October 6, 2011

Camping at Lac Phillipe in Gatineau Park

It was only on the bus ride home that I fully realised how many irreplacable moments one camping trip could create. The camping trip to Lac Phillipe was short but sweet; nonetheless it was most definitely the BEST camping trip I have ever been on. Sure I only slept a few hours over the course of the three day expedition, but it was what happened when I was awake that really mattered. From the moment I stepped off of that yellow school bus in the p19 parking lot, my shoulders were throbbing like never before; probably because my frame pack was double my weight. However after a few minutes, numbness replaced the pain. Over the course of the long, physically strenuous hike, there were many beautiful sights such as a galloping doe. Once we got to the beautiful campsite we threw our tent up and ran into the shelter for warmth. After sitting there for a while with a grumbly stomach, the meal was ready and the hot stir fry tasted phenomenal. Going to bed that night, I was worried about being cold, but when your tent-mates are essentially ontop of you there is no risk of that. The next morning I was awakened by a very pleasant army wake-up call, then did a little morning excercise. That morning was our turn to prepare breakfast and I believe that it is fair to say that we did a fine job. What could be better than chocolate chip pancakes and chicken bacon in the morning.Anyways, I feel like I am rambling on a little bit but the truth is everything about that weekend was perfectly wonderful. Personally, my favourite part of the trip was the caves. I had never experienced anything like that. Unfortunately on my first step I slipped into the water, but atleast that meant I wouldn't have to worry about staying dry. Going throught that narrow exit of the cave was truly exciting, and only a little bit cold! I also thouroughly enjoyed the steaming hot chocolate at most meals.
Everything about that trip was perfect and unforgettable. Thank you to everyone for making the trip that much more fun.

My Experience

Camping in Lac Philippe campground was an amazing experience! I have always loved camping; it is one of my favourite things to do. I enjoyed having the opportunity to go camping with new people.

Hiking to the campsite was challenging and fun. We had our first wildlife sighting on the way to our site. We spotted a doe running through the forest. Once we arrived at the campsite we set up our tents. My tent buddy and I worked as a team to set up our tent as quickly as possible while keeping one eye to the sky, hoping to beat the rain. We managed to get it set up dry and cozy. The rest of day went as smooth as silk. My tent buddy and I got to sit back and relax as the cook crew whipped up a wonderful stir-fry dinner.

The next day I woke up to the sound of a stampede running by my tent; it turned out to be the boys getting in their morning workout. Once I got up I enjoyed a great chocolate pancake breakfast before we began our Lusk Caves expedition. We arrived at the caves after a couple hours of hiking through the forest. The caves were extraordinary. We climbed, ducked, and slid. It was a great experience and lots of fun.

After our day at the Lusk Caves we hiked back to the campground and it was my turn to make dinner along with my two cook crew buddies. We successfully made yummy Fettuccini Alfredo. That night we enjoyed a great campfire and we had tons of fun playing Mafia…. even though I wasn’t the greatest detective, I had a great time.

The next day we got up early and packed up. It was surprising that I got everything to fit back into my frame pack! I am so glad I took part in this camping trip. I am looking forward to going on many more adventures with my new Outdoor Ed friends.

Gatineau Adventure!

On September 30th, 2011 I began an amazing camping experience. After packing for hours the night before, I and the Outdoor Ed class were off for a camping adventure in Gatineau Park. The hike to the campsite was quite tedious but we all made it out okay. Yes, mother nature seemed to have conspired against us slightly, but there was no negativity allowed in the group. After a weekend full of hot chocolate, assassination games, campfire smoke and LOTS of exercise, we were all happy to curl up in our warm beds after, whether we admitted it or not. Camping in Gatineau Park was an exciting and awesome welcome to the 2011 Outdoor Ed class. I know we're in for a great year.

My Camping Experience(:

I have been camping many years of my life. We go to Murphey's Point in the summer. We always drive in with all of our items, including coolers to keep our food in. This camping trip we were all to hike to the campground, including bringing our food! I liked that we got alot of hiking in, during our overall camping experience! I loved going into the cave, though i was scared to go in at first. Though it was rainy, my rain gear kept me dry, and I had friends around to keep me company! The food was great, and also the hot chocolate to keep me warm. I was able to take many pictures, and be out in the fresh air. Though I was exhausted after the trip, it was an unforgetable experience, that I can look back on when I think back to high school in the future.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Camping and Caving in Gatineau Park

Faced with rain and a chilly temperature the St Pat's outdoor enthusiasts showed incredible perseverance and strength of character on their first camping trip of the year.

After a 3km hike to our site and setting up tents in rain (or was that snow) we enjoyed a tasty warm meal. After an unexpected early rise, we got were on our way to the Lusk Caves. Thanks to low water levels, everyone was able to complete part of the caves and 5 brave people were submerged waist deep in cold water in order to escape out the bottom of the caves.

After a quick change of clothes we were off of the remainder of the hike with Lac Philippe on our right. With approximately 10km of hiking behind us, many campers chose to have some quiet time upon returning to camp while others engaged in a game of ultimate frisbee to use up the last of all their energy!

Pleased by the drier conditions, we enjoyed a campfire and many evening games before trying some bannock and heading for bed.

All in all, it was a very successful trip with an outstanding group of campers. Looking forward to sharing many more funfilled activities