Thursday, October 21, 2010

Camping at Lac Philippe in Gatineau Park

Our first Outdoor Ed trip of the year was from October 14th to 16th and was a complete success. We arrived at P19 in Gatineau Park at 4pm and hiked about 3 kilometers into our campsite. Then we set up camp in the rain. The next day we hiked into the Lusk Caves and tried our caving skills while getting a bit more wet than we had hoped. The cabins we visited along the way offered shelter from the wind and rain and even the opportunity to practice some yoga to stretch out our legs. After a long day of hiking we enjoyed a nice warm meal and evening meeting around the campfire. The sun finally came out on Saturday morning just as we were ready to come home. At least things were dry while we were packing up.


  1. Im definitly the coolest for commenting first.

  2. My trip to Lac Philippe was very enjoyable from the bus ride in to the bus ride out. I enjoyed the hike in when it was raining because it cooled me down on the walk so then I wouldn’t get to hot and sweaty. Which in the long run kept me warmer. As well I enjoyed killing four people before I handed something to Ben and died. The next morning I was proud of myself of being one of the people to help start the fire. Next I enjoyed the hike to the caves and beating Daniel out of the caves. I enjoyed watching Mrs. Ferguson kicking out the Brookfield students. Also I really liked the many games of mafia. Finally I enjoyed always doing something on the trip. I did not like how Daniel beat me twice in a race and all the Charles Dickens jokes about the oatmeal but the thing that I dislike the most was the banana in the food bag. Who brought that? Other than the joke getting old after a few minutes the whole camping experience was good. I would definitely do this trip again if I had the chance.

  3. As we were waiting in the parking lot at school, I knew that the trip was going to be great. We have a very enthusiastic group that made everything that much better. My favourite parts of the trip definitely had to be the hiking, the campfire, the yoga and the caves. Most Things that we did were enjoyable but those were ones that stood out for me. One downside to the caves was getting attacked by two spiders in the tightest spot that we had to walk thorough. Shivers! The really great part was getting to know everybody; all the activities gave us an opportunity to build on our friendships. OH and don't think of me weird, but i really liked the walk back from the caves. The long road next to the lake with the nice view.

    All in all it was a really fun trip! And Brad any challenge you can think of.. try me! :) Pumped for the winter trip.


  4. This was the first camping trip I've been on since I was three years old so basically the first camping trip that I will remember. I was pretty excited on the bus ride down, and I didn't really know what to expect. My favourite part of the trip was definitely the hike down, and looking back on it, it was also hilarious when Marisa fell and couldn't get back up, but I say that with love <3. I also really liked the campfire, and that murder game would have been fun if I didn't get killed by Bradley in the first 5 minutes... Mafia was cool too! The downside to the camping trip was how my tent leaked because of our lack of tent pitching skills... It was definitely unenjoyable to have soaking wet clothes for the second half of the trip. I'm happy I got so much exercise and got to really bond with everyone in the class. I'm excited for the winter camping trip, hopefully it's not too freezing!

    See you guys at the next class!


  5. Dear Diary,

    This being my first time camping I didn’t really know what to expect. The first indication that it was going to be a great trip was in the first 10 minutes waiting for the bus when a bird *relieved* itself all over my stuff. All jokes aside, it was a great trip and a very memorable experience. The hike up was fun and filled with entertainment from some of the walking-challenged. I enjoyed all of the games and activities, and kudos to each group for making an awesome meal. The caves were fun, I’m glad I manned up and went through them, even though I’m still a little num from the waist down and my ears are still ringing from Daniels scream when he saw the spider. All in all great trip, can’t wait for the next one, and I dare someone else to beat Marisa and I at Mafia. Undefeated woo!

  6. This post is by Marisa because she can't figure out the blogger...... it's not working...... she fails...... anyways.........
    thanks hilary... hey guys! well i just wanted to say that i actually had a really good time on the trip. I had a good time hiking and it was a super awesome workout! I had fun hanging out around the campfire, telling stories and getting to know everybody better. Going through the cave was a really cool experience and it was funny seeing daniel and nick freak out at the spiders! hehe. the only bad part of the trip was getting our beds soaking wet.. oh well its our fault. anyways i look forward to the next trip! adios!

  7. One of the things I looked forward to the most was the camping trip (and the ones to come). Even before the trip began I knew it was going to be very fun and eventful because of the things we sought out to do such as hiking, the games, the bonding, the caves and so on. My favourite part was without a doubt the caves despite the face that the water was freezing cold. Being in the caves is something I might not have the chance to do again and I am very pleased I can now say i have done it. Overall however I enjoyed spending time with my classmates who I wouldn't normally get the chance to bond with and I'm glad I got the chance to do so because everyone in the class is so fun and energetic. Can't wait for the next camping trip!!

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  9. Our trip to Lac Philippe in Gatineau Park was such a great experience. I have tons of great memories from those 3 days. The hike into our campsite was an adventure in itself and along wih everything else with Daniel and Bradley, a hilarious competition. It was a little stressful and difficult setting up our tents in the rain but we figured it out. The meals were all awesome, even though we had a few spills here and there (pasta sauce..). Our excursion to the Lusk caves was so much fun and the caves were so cool! (Literally). I would definetely go back to do it all over again. Although we were cold and wet for a lot of the trip, I had a lot of fun and got to know all of you a lot better than I ever would have in any other situation. I think we have an awesome class and I can't wait for our future camping trips! :)

  10. The fall outdoor ed camping trip, was interesting to say the least. The adventures we overcame will be stories to pass on for a lifetime. Whether it was hiking for kilometers, swimming through caves or the comical little things that happened; I will always remember this trip. Living with classmates for a weekend was something I greatly enjoyed. Getting to know everyone on a personal level was another postitive atribute of the trip. Another positive aspect was the food; it was cooked extremely well. At the end of the day, it was a very amusing excursion and im excited for winter camping. Lets hope Dana does something embarassing to keep us laughing.

  11. Our first trip to Lac Philippe was an extremely fun three days despite all the rain. The beginning hike was a great start with the beautiful view of all the changing trees and the first few hours of getting to know everyone in the class. Once we were all settled in and done eating, our first of many mafia games began which couldn’t have brought any more laughs. The next day brought many memories with our second hike and of course, the caves. Going through them was an awesome adventure that I’m sure will stay with all of us forever. Besides the gloomy rainy days, talking around the campfire, the warm meals and all the wonderful people, I don’t think the trip could have been better. It was a great experience that I’ll never forget and cannot wait for our many future trips.

  12. Our fall camping trip was definitely something i have never done before. IT was a lot of fun even though the rain tried to slow us down. I would do it over again except this time know how to make a tent so that it doesnt rain on our faces and soak our camping gear. If I could do it over I would also WANT to go through the caves becasue from what people said after them, it was something I wish i could have seen. What made it fun was not just the experience but everyone who was there. I had so much fun and I will for sure never forget it.

  13. I remember being so stoked for this trip, I could barely contain myself during the day before we left and even though it was raining I felt that we were going to have an amazing time. Looking back on it now I have to say that I for one did.
    Gatineau Park is one of my favourite places in the world and it was incredible to be there for three days when I usually would be stuck in school. Our group was amazing and I think that we really bonded during the good and the bad times of the trip. There were definitely more good times than bad in my opinion. The caves would have to be my favourite part of the trip mainly for the laughs, sense of accomplishment after coming out and hot cup of tomato soup at the end.
    I thought the fall camping trip was stellar! I had an amazing time on the hikes even though it was raining during almost all of them. I definitely learned a lesson about packing when trying to cram everything back into my bag before we left and I’m pretty sure the hikes in and out of the park would have been easier if I cut down on the amount of stuff I brought. I’ll definitely keep that in mind for the end of the year trip.


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