Thursday, October 21, 2010

Welcome to Outdoor Ed

Another exciting summer has come to an end. This summer, I had the opportunity to enjoy hiking in Morocco amoungst the Atlas mountains including summiting it's highest peak named Toubkal at a height of 4167m. Although temperatures in the city of Marakesh were upwards of 45 degrees celcius up on the peak was a mere 5 degrees and VERY WINDY.

Camping at Lac Philippe in Gatineau Park

Our first Outdoor Ed trip of the year was from October 14th to 16th and was a complete success. We arrived at P19 in Gatineau Park at 4pm and hiked about 3 kilometers into our campsite. Then we set up camp in the rain. The next day we hiked into the Lusk Caves and tried our caving skills while getting a bit more wet than we had hoped. The cabins we visited along the way offered shelter from the wind and rain and even the opportunity to practice some yoga to stretch out our legs. After a long day of hiking we enjoyed a nice warm meal and evening meeting around the campfire. The sun finally came out on Saturday morning just as we were ready to come home. At least things were dry while we were packing up.