Saturday, February 19, 2011

I must admit i had a really fun time on this winter camping trip , the weather was just amazing and the people as usual were a blast .Im glad i had that experience of building a quinzee becuase it is really cool . The ski was hard at times but we all pushed our selves and got through it . Every single meal was phenomenal! I loved sitting by the wood burning stove and telling stories, got to love all our great laughs and hilarious stories haha .I wish we could have stayed another night, that cabin was perfect and warm !

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winter Camping in Gatineau Park

     The winter camping trip was a great success. With just enough snow and more than enough sunshine we truly had brilliant conditions. We started out with a few concerns regarding heavy packs and uphill skiing but everyone prevailed! The location was stunning and the people really made the trip a memorable one.

    After a 3km ski we arrived at Brown cabin. The sun was glorious. Lunch was the first thing on the agenda after a challenging ski in. Once our bellies were filled we grabbed our shovels and went to work. A few distractions allowed for some needed breaks including turning Alex into a snow mermaid and plenty of snow tackles. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Once the quin-zhees were built we took a much needed break and sat by the fire enjoying some Bannock. (Thank you Gillian!) Then came the exciting part; digging out the quin-zhee.

    Each group had members take turns getting down under the snow to scrape away at the inside of the quin-zhee in an effort to create their cave-like dwelling. With a great deal of precaution and a little less fetal-position foot-kicking than some would have prefered (Dana), neither of the quin-zhees collapsed! It was a true success.

    The remainder of the evening involved getting warm and comfortable by the wood-burning stove, enjoying a lovely home-cooked meal by the men and evening meeting with storied and games.

    Bright and early in the morning we were treated to porridge and sausages. A hearty meal full of energy for the morning ski! Up the hills of Gatineau Park, we worked up a sweat and enjoyed the freedom of skiing without our packs on. After packing up, eating some delicious soup and rice, we collapsed the quin-zhees and made our way home.
    With great attitudes and loads of laughter the trip proved to be a great adventure into the wilderness and an excape from reality. This is truly a phenomenal group of outdoor enthusiasts.